AMA Archives
If you missed any of our AMAs, here are some highlights. Click on the titles to view - Site Tour (11/28/23)
Rob's decades of pro investment experience: a quick background
Why we're different from "the usual" investment research services
Introduction to our proprietary market indicators
Assessing market conditions using our site and service
Investing for income (brief discussion)
"The Charty Party" (1/23/24)
Rob's introduction to how he looks at charts (ETFs or stocks)
Stuff my late father taught me about technical analysis
Q&A: Rob explains the S&P 500 X-Ray, part of our Tuesday newsletter
Note: It was a "party" so Hawaiian shirts were the dress code!
Ask Me Anything - Market Turmoil (2/6/24)
Bond market basics (yield curve, the new era of higher rates)
Stock market straight talk! (and the dangers of past performance analysis)
Q&A: how Rob uses technical analysis as the last steep of a consistent process
A quick look at's technical ratings (part of the premium service)
The ROAR Score: the foundation of our investment process and portfolio models
Why Rob is "not a fan" of "Structured Outcome" ETFs and funds