Welcome to the Sunday Edition! I pour through so much content each week to educate myself, stay on top of key trends, and come up with writing ideas. So once a week, we post a set of links to my articles and media outside of ETFyourself.com, and highlight views from other sources that we think our investor community will be interested in. Here we go!
I write multiple articles each week for this great site. This week I covered topics related to:
Here are a few ETFs/industries I'm watching as alternatives to mega-cap tech
You've seen me write ad nauseum about the "free lunch" of T-bills in a volatile stock and bond market. Here's the latest.
You can see my full history of articles for etf.com on my author page here.
From Mike Zaccardi, an excellent independent analyst, highlighting what I've been looking closely at as well. The underperformance of non-US stocks vs. US is going to turn at some point. And it will probably be a sharp turn. Watching...
My favorite Thanksgiving X post. Funny stuff from my friend and former top Fidelity fund manager George Noble.
Take this for what it’s worth: I have lost count of how many market stats can be described as "since (fill in date just before stock market fell hard)"
No, I'm not quoting a guy with last name pies as some late Thanksgiving Dad joke. Warren Pies is sharp, and I think his observation here is worth bookmarking.
I was the guest on Seeking Alpha's Investing Experts podcast last week. This might be the most comprehensive 30 minute discussion about markets and investing I've done this year. I welcome you to check it out.
The On The Tape pod continues to be a must-listen for me. This episode features Schwab's longtime strategist Liz Ann Sonders, one of the best in the business.
Podmaster Adam Taggart has one of my favorite peer strategists, Jesse Felder as his guest here. A great listen.