Sunday Edition (5/12/24)
Chart of the week, performance updates and more
A Key Chart I’m Watching This Week
Maybe someone can explain to me what I’m missing here. Nearly every TV pundit and podcast guest I hear lately things gold stocks are a “no-brainer-gainer” from here. I see a decent chart, but nothing that makes me put it above areas I see more timely potential, such as high yield stocks and non-US markets (Europe, Asia).
Nothing against gold and gold stocks, but I just feel like they are like that star athlete you just keep waiting to “get hot” and carry the team, and sometimes it just doesn’t come around. We’ll see if and when gold mining stocks do.
Performance That Matters
(data through Friday close)
Here’s the usual weekly table of ETFs that represent several major asset classes and objectives. In yellow on the right, I’ve sorted them by descending order of 1 week returns. It was a fairly even week, but as has been the pattern recently, the average stock is outperforming FAANG types and small caps. This confirms what I’m seeing in my recent chart work. That looking below the very largest stocks, and above small caps is where value appears to be springing up. Now, let’s see if it can last.
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