Sunday Edition
A weekly summary of impactful content, from us and others
Given the tremendous interest in the charting part of what we do at, our next “Ask Me Anything” session will be 100% devoted to charting, learning and communicating what some call my investing “secret sauce.” I just hope the session doesn’t affect your body’s system like a Big Mac.
We’ll affectionately refer to this as the AMA “CHARTY PARTY.” Feel free to bring the beverage of your choice to this live video event.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 5pm ET. Link to sign up is here
Rob Isbitts on
I write multiple articles each week for this great site. This week I covered topics related to:
Sex, Lies and Bitcoin ETFs (well, that was my original title)
Hedging volatility with inverse ETFs
You can see my full history of articles for on my author page here.
Quick takes from elsewhere
OK, this one (click picture below) is not exactly from “elsewhere.” It is my first of a regular series Forbes graciously invited me to do with them. This one is on growth stocks, and includes some of my broader educational perspectives for investors. Going forward, it will be more a weekly markets discussion. Stay tuned!
As a technician, trends that suddenly break are always of interest
And, to make sure we have some good news, I went to see our Florida Panthers play hockey the other night, bought a couple of shirts and apparently they threw in a free cat :-) Yes that's Phoebe, the same kitty that was our ROAR Score mascot at 1/2 her current weight just a couple months ago.
Our favorite podcasts
Visit our Learning Center tab at, where we have links to our favorite podcasts. We’ll keep building the list as we find and like them!
Thanks! Looking forward to doing more with them. Wrote regularly for them during my investment advisory days, and renewed my work with them in 2023. Was delighted when they asked me to discuss some of my recent articles on video, and even more excited to do a weekly thing with them.
Great Job ! on the Forbes interview, congratulations.