Sunday Edition
A weekly summary of impactful content, from us and others
I'll be presenting this Tuesday at the Money Show Virtual Expo at 3:55PM ET. I'll be covering what I had planned to discuss in our own "Ask Me Anything" event but since MoneyShow asked me to be their guest, I figured we'd combine the effort and invite our subscribers to that event.
So click HERE to sign up and I’ll see you there!
Rob Isbitts on
I write multiple articles each week for this great site. This week I covered topics related to:
There's value out there, just not in the S&P 500!
You can see my full history of articles for on my author page here.
Quick takes from elsewhere
Investor sentiment maybe "too happy"
Bankruptcies are rising (personal and corporate)
Best podcasts I listened to this week
The Compound & Friends started during the pandemic (I think) and they do a great job of recruiting guests, producing real conversations, and making us think. I spent the first part of my career in the NYC and this podcast reminds me a bit of those days. Enjoy!
Danielle DiMartino Booth tells it like it is. And I happen to agree with 95% of what she thinks here. Do you?