October 5, 2023
The latest research, market indicators and trade summaries from Sungarden Investment Publishing
ROAR Score
(Return Opportunity and Risk)
If my choices are stocks and cash, what % would I have the stock market right now?
The current ROAR score is
Market in a Minute
The market always tells us a story…we just need to listen!
1. When only 3 of 11 S&P sectors are up YTD, is it a bull market...or just bull? Many Wall Street firms rely on rising markets for their success. Not here.
2. Just 2 stocks account for 40% of each of the 3 sectors: tech (Apple/Microsoft), discretionary (Amazon/Tesla), communications (Google/Meta)
3. I still see a lot of "rooting" for the stock market to go up, which is a risky sentiment indicator. Inflation/higher rates are now impacting markets.
4. Any asset can rise in price, but for most stock and bond segments we follow (ex-T-Bills), there's a lot of risk attached right now.
5. Investors are learning how bond market can dictate what the stock market does. Let's see what upcoming econ data and earnings tell us.
Our ROAR Score remains at 10 for the third straight week. Our 2-ETF portfolio model is 10% SPY (S&P 500 ETF) and 90% BIL (T-bill ETF)
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