This MOFO is not very happy right now
The latest updates to's Market Outlook Factor Overview (MOFO)
Our bottom-line as investors should always be what happens to the prices of the securities we own, during the time we own them. There is a lot of time and energy spent on the things that might happen or are happening to influence those market prices of our ETFs and other assets. The MOFO is here to help us sort it out.
Part of the free subscription to is regular updates to the MOFO, which aims to answer a simple question: what are the top 10 factors influencing the markets right now? And, in what order. We compile information from all over, and boil it down to my bottom-line opinions. Then, like Casey Kasem’s old “American Top 40” pop song hit list, we present my ranked list as the MOFO.
We think you’ll enjoy knowing what this MOFO has to say, even if these days, it is more about what the market is/should be worried about. Such are the times we live in.